Sometimes, it's relevant to iterate through all ip adrresses on a host to emit configuration for each one. Facter has a useful bunch of facts for this:
- interfaces => lo,eth0,eth0_0,eth1
- ipaddress_lo =>
- ipaddress_eth0 =>
- ipaddress_...
- ... and so on
This is nice, but how can you use this in an ERB template?
Answer: use scope.lookupvar()
Here's a snippet for emitting one "Allow" line for each of the server's IP addresses in an Apache vhost:
<%- interfaces.split(',').each do |int|
if has_variable?("ipaddress_#{int}") then %>
Allow from <%= scope.lookupvar("ipaddress_#{int}") %>
<%- end
end %>
if you're wondering why I'm using has_variable?(), too, that's because sometimes interfaces are not assigned any IP address. In such cases, there is no corresponding $ipaddress_* fact, so it would be an error to lookup a value for that.
When I was implementing this I ran into errors when the template was applied to hosts with only one interface, the checking for comma in the string worked to resolve the issue:
oh, thanks for pointing this out. I must admit that I rarely encounter hosts with only one interface, and I was expecting split() to just build a list of one element if there were no commas present..
I'll have to test this out with a VM.
Sadly, though, the ruby documentation doesn't describe what happens in the case where the pattern is not found in the string:
well this is weird. I just tested out string.split() with iRuby, and it behaved exactly as I had expected. I'm using ruby 1.8.7 :
Olafur, can you reply by pasting the error you get on single-interface machines?
I got no error in the erb template, it just did not execute the steps within the do loop, but when I tried this again today I got no error and it returned a single value as expected.
I really don't know what I might be doing different since before the weekend, maybe I just needed the extra rest?
So, you can just ignore that original comment since it seems to work just fine.
P.S. This comment system really needs an email or some notification method...
ah! then I'm glad you got this to work.
re: to p.s.: yess! I know, it's annoying not to have e-mail notifications! I've asked colleagues about how to implement this with drupal and they told me about some options. So it's in my todo list.